

Live Webinar: Building an OFAC Compliance Program with the Right “Framework”

8月20日下午1:00 - 2:30 pm


A guide to building a Sanctions Compliance Program (SCP) based on Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) enforcement actions and guidance from their publication, ‘A Framework for OFAC Compliance Commitments’:

Do you have an extra 30-40 hours to dedicate to studying another critical compliance responsibility for Sanctions and OFAC compliance? That’s the time it typically takes to understand what needs to be done and how to do it, before you even begin the hard work of implementation. If you have that kind of time, fantastic! 然而, if you’re like most compliance professionals, you don’t have such luxurious amounts of time available, and this webinar is designed specifically for you.

类似于一个好的榨汁机, this webinar extracts years of experience and dozens of hours of research (the vegetables), condensing it all into a digestible one-hour presentation (the juice!). Just like a glass of condensed nutrient-rich juice provides a quick dose of goodness in an easily consumed and digested form, this webinar will deliver the essential OFAC compliance information you need to confidently start crafting a new SCP, 精炼一个现有的, or preparing to effectively manage an inherited program.

This webinar will focus on studying and explaining the practical requirements of an OFAC compliance program, based on how the government expects it to be managed. 你会发现, the government’s expectations and perceptions are often as important as the program’s actual effectiveness. 俗话说得好, “If you can’t prove you did it, 在政府眼中, you may as well not have done it.’ While that may not be an actual saying, it underscores that good intentions and efforts alone won’t suffice in an investigation. Building a good SCP is essential to mitigate such risks. 在本次网络赌博十大排名官方网站期间, we will delve into the specific criteria that OFAC (and most other agencies) expect to see in your compliance program, as well as practical strategies to meet and exceed these expectations.

• Recent enforcement cases and lessons learned. Did companies have SCPs that helped?
• ​Key components of an OFAC compliance program.
• A thorough review of “A Framework for OFAC Compliance Commitments” as follows:
     – OFAC’s expectations for foreign and domestic entities.
     – OFAC’s assessment of most common aggravating factors that could be easily mitigated.
     – How do you get their “commitment”?
     -最重要的一步! 你是如何做到正确的呢?
     -政策及程序. How to keep them right- sized based on risk assessment.
     是可审计的吗??” – the horrifying question that rings in the mind of every compliance professional.
     – Planning to make a testable program that not only gets the job done but proves it.
     – How to base training off risk. T在这里’s that word again… (think the risk assessment is important yet?)
     – Considerations, options, and tips for delivering effective training

• Trade Compliance Professionals
• Financial Professionals dealing with international transactions
• And anyone else involved in any type of international transaction

This webinar will include PowerPoint slides and live video and commentary from 乔纳森年轻. 每一个注册人, even if unable to attend live, will have access to the presentation, 竣工证书, speaker contact information for follow-up questions, and access to the webinar recording within 1-2 business days after the webinar airs. Webinar participants are invited to submit questions during the webinar and the final 30 minutes will be allotted to answering attendee questions.

演讲者简介: 乔纳森年轻 served as a military intelligence analyst prior to transitioning to an export compliance career with a variety of experience in large commercial environments and niche military products. His areas of focus include export classification, AES filings, and due diligence screening. 在这两个职业领域, Jonathan has learned how to decipher government regulations, 导航的制裁, 为工程师翻译, and leverage the technology available to maximize results. 完整的生物 在这里.


  • Internet (broadband recommended)
  • Speakers/headset is required to hear the presentation

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Comprised of 1 hour of commentary and 30 minute Q&一个会话






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